July: Invisible Poems

During July’s kids workshops we’ve been writing “invisible poems”, that is, poems about invisible or abstract nouns (think: nouns you can’t point to, such as bravery, happiness, confidence and excitement).

I asked kids to submit their invisible poems so that we could respond with custom-made illustrations inspired by their creations. To help finesse the illustrations, I collaborated with very talented oil painter Col Nelson, who also happens to by my Dad. Thanks, Dad!

Thanks to all the wonderfully imaginative 8—12-year-old writers who sent in their poems. We’ve had a lot of fun illustrating them.

If your child attended a workshop on Monday 6, Wednesday 8 or Thursday 9 July and hasn’t submitted their invisible poem, there’s still time! Simply send the poem to hello@lucyjadenelson.com and check this page one week after the date of submission.

Stay creative!